If you work in commercial real estate in a finance-related field, please consider joining REFF!
Membership Benefits
Membership benefits include access to diverse programming such as walking tours, case studies, luncheons and group activities, and Special Interest Groups. Events provide educational and networking opportunities with other experienced and involved professionals within the commercial real estate community of Chicago. While the group focuses on building relationships among women, various events are open to all members of the commercial real estate industry.
Membership Application & Dues
Please complete the Membership Application online (link) and allow 1-2 weeks for review.
We accept applications throughout the year. Annual membership dues are $150 based on a rolling 12-month calendar year. You will receive an email once your application is approved and payment of initial dues is received.
If you have any questions, please email our Membership Chair, Annamarie Bjorklund (ambjorklund@outlook.com).
For current members renewing, please login to your profile, then click on the green “Renew” button if you are prompted to renew your membership. Please be sure that all information in your REFF profile is up to date when renewing.